Tag Archive: workfromhome

  1. What’s Your Time Worth?

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    Assigning work to a VA that doesn't need your attention gives back time and space for an abundance of other things.

    More and more people are starting their own small or home-based business. In order for them to maximize their potential, they really need support of all kinds. Working in a collaborative relationship with a Virtual Assistant is an excellent way to get that support. A quality Virtual Assistant will have your best interests in mind.

    Virtual Assistants (VAs) provide administrative support while working in long-term collaborative relationships with only a handful of clients. Using their own equipment while working in online work spaces, Virtual Assistant’s support their clients’ needs from their home office.

    Assigning work to a VA that doesn’t need your attention gives back time and space for an abundance of other things, which may include:

    • Increasing revenue and profits
    • Increasing productivity and stability
    • Growing your business – seeking new clients
    • Spending more time with family and friends

    Don’t waste your valuable time on administrative tasks! If you want to be professionally successful and live a life you have always wanted, then utilizing the service of a Virtual Assistant is a good business decision!

    IF you’re on the fence about utilizing a Virtual Assistant, then let’s have a chat! Contact me here.

  2. Want More Time in the Day? Delegate!

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    Want More Time in the Day? Delegate!

    Every business owner is busy – busy finding new leads, busy with current leads, busy managing current clients and busy managing the day-to-day tasks of running a business like phone calls, emails, bookkeeping, appointment setting, social media marketing, etc. If you would delegate the day-to-day administrative tasks to a professional virtual assistant, what could you do with those free hours? Close on current leads? Increase your productivity? Shine like a rock star with your current clients? Increase your revenue and profits?

    So you’re paying someone to do your administrative tasks? Many business owners, scoff at the idea of paying someone for something they can do themselves. But in the end, how much more money will you have saved by not wasting time on those tasks? You have now freed up that time to work on the part of the business you love…the part that brings in your revenue. Now I would say that’s a smart business owner!

    Giving crucial administrative tasks to your virtual assistant maximizes your productivity and is a win for you!

  3. How I Find Clients for My Virtual Assistant Business

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    How I find Clients for My Virtual Assistant Business

    I started my journey in my own virtual assistant small business 12 years ago. I did this while working full-time in the corporate world. While I loved the benefits of working from home as a virtual assistant, I didn’t realize how hard it would be to juggle family, my full-time job and finding a way to get my virtual assistant business off the ground. The hardest part for me has been finding clients. I am not an extrovert by nature so giving my business a voice was and is tough for me. Over the years, I have tried different avenues on getting my business the face time it needs to get clients interested in me. Below I have listed the different avenues I have taken and how they worked for me.

    In-person networking – While this was the most terrifying for me, it became easier over time and eventually became something I loved. This avenue supplied me with a huge stack of business cards to which I am utilizing today (through LinkedIn) and I can honestly say I have a client from attending an in-person networking meeting. In-person networking is time consuming and can be expensive, but it is not dead!

    Cold-calls – This avenue was another terrifying reach for an introvert like myself. I wrote a script, practiced and eventually made the first terrifying phone call. What I realized though, it’s not so scary once I learned not to take a refusal of my phone call personally. Busy business owners don’t always want to be disturbed by a “sales call.” You will get people like that and you just need to move on.

    Mailings – I made several attempts to send postcards to many of the contacts from my large stack of business cards. I received a few responses from this avenue, but no signed-on client. It’s time consuming to create the postcard and costly to send. Not the best option, for me.

    LinkedIn – This avenue has worked very well for me. I took that huge stack of business cards went through it and connected with those very same people I already met face to face. Sending a message on LinkedIn that I’d like to connect and referring to our previous meeting helped them recall me and made for more connections. Along with those connections, I sent messages reminding them of my virtual assistant services. I also use LinkedIn Premium (paid monthly subscription) and have benefited greatly from their “InMail” services. I can go into more detail on how to use that at a later date, but I have had 5 interested potential clients in one week!

    All of these avenues link together and have given me great exposure to other small businesses. I recommend trying different avenues until you find one that clicks and gets you many hits!

  4. Virtual Assistants Are Business Owners

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    Virtual Assistant Tips #18 – Video Series

    “Virtual Assistants Are Business Owners.” Before asking about fees, please consider what you are getting when you hire a professional virtual assistant.

  5. Client Testimonial

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    Virtual Assistant Tips #17 – Video Series

    “Client Testimonial.” If you are on the fence about hiring a virtual assistant, then you need to hear this client comment.

  6. A Virtual Assistant’s Time is 100% Productive Time

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    Virtual Assistant Tips #15 – Video Series

    “A Virtual Assistant’s Time is 100% Productive Time.” When you hire employees, you’ll be paying for their downtime, holidays, vacations and other unproductive times. With a virtual assistant, you maximize your efficiency and only pay for their productive hours.

  7. Working with a Virtual Assistant Gives You Time Back!

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    Virtual Assistant Tips #14 – Video Series

    “Working with a Virtual Assistant Gives You Time Back!” Why would you hire a virtual assistant to handle something that you could do yourself? The truth is, if you are serious about reaching your goals and also enjoying your life, that you can’t do it all!

  8. Your Business Needs Change, So You Must Too!

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    Virtual Assistant Tips #10 – Video Series

    “Your Business Needs Change, So You Must Too!” Just as seasons change, so does your business. A virtual assistant can help relieve some of your workload, so that you can concentrate on the heart of your business.